The main objective is to restore, privately and/or publicly, an ecosystem in protected biological reserves for life, not just to plant trees. Forest-based plant intensification is the most successful natural reference model for biodiversity and ecological stability.
Natural Pact's philosophy and approach were inspired by the pioneers of regenerative development and the Earth Charter. Our organization takes into account the planetary boundaries and the evolution of the new Plant Health Ordinance adopted in Switzerland, to replace the economy and the incredible scientific innovations at the service of life.
Under the leadership of Dr. Eduard Müller Castro, Rector of the University for International Cooperation, Scientific Advisor to the Costa Rican Government and Founder of the Regenerative Development Hub of Costa Rica, Natural Pact, ISO 14064 certified, has become a full-scale laboratory for the activities of this hub.


Natural Pact has developed a regenerative agroforestry methodology that optimizes the decarbonization of companies, the regeneration of biodiversity, family agroforestry, ecological agriculture with the medicinal properties of the feeder forest, territorial anchoring and community well-being. Always in close collaboration with local populations, the scientific community and the authorities, our organization intends to promote regenerative development of forest ecosystems in voluntary ecological reserves, at regional, national and international levels.
How does it work?
I commit to respect the Natural Pact Charter
I offset my carbon emissions with Natural Pact
My company’s pollution
Evey year, I produce 700.000 kg of coffee, generating 250 tons of CO₂e
Natural Pact calculates the total immobilization cost for the trees for 10 years
I can decide to spread out the payment over few years
I choose one of the packs to offset these 250 tons of CO₂e
1 ton that is annually compensated with the Conservation pack includes
Trees conserved in the secondary forest
Trees conserved in the primary forest
To offset these 250 tons, I will immobilize 17.500 trees from the secondey forest and 15.000 from the primary forest
I offset my emissions for 10 years
We immobilize trees for a duration of 5, 10 or 20 years
I can pass on the compensation cost on every kg of coffee that is produced - ex: $ 0,2 $ per kg
Natural Pact calculates a fixed compensation price for every unit that is produced by the company so that it can be passed on (or not) to its clients
My coffee is Natural Pact certified, I offset my CO₂e emissions and regenerate biodiveristy
Our compensation certificates are valid on international carbon markets (ISO 14064)

Forests are disappearing because our market economy fails to recognize the multiple values of primary forests. One hectare of forest is lost every second!
One hectare of forest is lost every second!
"I believe that the maturity of the 21st century will be to understand that growth is only one phase of life. And try to imagine what an economy that has finished growing and can now "prosper" can be like. Nature has been thriving for nearly 4 billion years. We would do well to take inspiration from it. »

Land Art reforestation is the path chosen by Natural Pact forest artists to preserve biodiversity. They invest in forests, meadows and other landscapes to create life-size works by planting a diversity of native trees.
To conceive art as peaceful testimony to the challenges created by the established system and to create "nature museums" to preserve the wonders of the planet, this is the ambition of Natural Pact's founder, Alexis D. Gaillard.



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Costa Rica
50 m oeste de la escuala Vuelta de Jorco Aserrì
10603 San José

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our team will be happy to answer you within 24 hours.
Avenue des Coccinelles 64
1170 Bruxelles