Natural Pact Charter
Natural Pact's philosophy and holistic approach have been inspired by the pioneers of regenerative development, the Earth Charter and the evolution of the new plant health law recently adopted in Switzerland. We have drafted this charter which translates into a series of concrete commitments that are also based on our vision, missions and values.

Valuing plant intensification and biocontrol based on the tropical primary forest model - we are committed to restoring ecosystems through plant intensification inspired by tropical primary forest, which is the most successful natural reference model for biodiversity and ecological stability.

Supporting forest ecosystems in a sustainable way - we guarantee the design, management and certification to international standards, in a sustainable and professional fashion, with qualified experts, reforestation and forest regeneration programmes.

Promote the forest as a major element of global climate balance and biodiversity - we recognize that forest ecosystems are a major component of global climate balance and biodiversity, providing a range of ecological services essential for the survival of other living species, of which humans are an integral part.

Serve the general interest - we affirm that, whatever the nature of the land is (public, community or private), each reforestation and/or regeneration project serves the general interest beyond the possible economic gains that would ultimately benefit local communities and/or owners or their beneficiaries.

Raise awareness among local communities, stakeholders and the general public - we are committed to raising awareness among local communities, stakeholders and the general public, on the vital and economic role that forests play by inviting them to take action to change attitudes and to take greater ownership of the fundamentals of agroforestry 3.0.

Foster innovative, sustainable and replicable methods by promoting agroforestry 3.0 - we are committed to working on innovations, practices and models of agroforestry 3.0 to make them sustainable and replicable everywhere else in the world and thus, further strengthen the preservation of forest ecosystems.

Promote Land Art - we conceive Land Art as a peaceful testimony - joining the global contestation to the established system - for "museums of nature" and to preserve the wonders of the planet.

Take action against pollution and global warming - we are committed to putting all our know-how and knowledge at the service of the fight against pollution and global warming to help ensure the future of future generations.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our team will be happy to answer you within 24 hours.