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The Natural Pact vision was born in 2012 in Costa Rica, from the meeting between Alexis D. Gaillard, a Belgian photographic artist - founder of Galatical Art, co-founder of the Brussels Art Factory (BAF) - and Natalia Cruz Fallas, Costa Rican architect specialized in modern sustainable tropical architecture.

It was in 2017, with the arrival of Olivier Gaillard - social entrepreneur, Ashoka and Atlas Corp. Fellow and co-director of Memovie - and Pierre van Steenberghe - consultant in social entrepreneurship at the Belgian Federation of Social Enterprises - that Natural Pact was incorporated and became a Belgian international non-profit association, operating in Belgium and Costa Rica."


Under the leadership of Dr. Eduard Müller Castro, Rector of the University for International Cooperation, Scientific Advisor to the Costa Rican Government and Founder of the Regenerative Development Hub of Costa Rica, Natural Pact, ISO 14064 certified, is the full-scale laboratory of this hub.

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For 30 years, the Cruz Fallas family has cared for its 110 hectare property located in the heart of a 1500 hectare green valley in the Central Pacific region near Manuel Antonio, the country's second most touristy city. Thanks to Natural Pact, this green paradise has become a sanctuary for biodiversity.

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Over time, a multidisciplinary team of a dozen people (agricultural engineers, foresters, landscape engineers, ecologists, economists, financial experts, marketing and responsible communication consultants, social animators, etc.) has been formed all over the world to develop our various projects.


Participate in the emerging movement of the transition to the regenerative development model at local, national and international level, to replace the already obsolete model of sustainable development. Through plant intensification and biocontrol, inspired by the natural functioning of the forest (the most advanced reference model of biodiversity and biological and ecological stability), Natural Pact participates in an innovative way in the ecological, social and economic transition.


Natural Pact, a true actor of change, creates biodiversity sanctuaries in feeder forests while carrying out innovative and sustained R&D and advocacy activities. 

Organizing tree management within the framework of dynamic agriculture 3.0:

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Design and develop solution-based projects and partnerships in reforestation/conservation of primary and secondary forests to regenerate forest ecosystems, save soil, preserve biodiversity, climate and all lives on earth while respecting the new plant health law.

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Thanks to the natural resources generated by forest-gardens, it also means developing economic sectors with high added value for the well-being of communities and the sustainable and regenerative development of territories.


Engagé pour le respect de la biodiversité et du bien-être de l’ensemble des êtres vivants, le management de Natural Pact s’articule autour de valeurs : intégrité, écoute, proximité, solidarité et créativité. Les collaborateurs et partenaires de Natural Pact interagissent selon les principes de l’agroforesterie régénérative, la bonne gouvernance et de l’engagement éthique. 


Engagé pour le respect de la biodiversité et du bien-être de l’ensemble des êtres vivants, le management de Natural Pact s’articule autour de valeurs : intégrité, écoute, proximité, solidarité et créativité. Les collaborateurs et partenaires de Natural Pact interagissent selon les principes de l’agroforesterie régénérative, la bonne gouvernance et de l’engagement éthique. 


Committed to respecting biodiversity and the well-being of all living beings, Natural Pact's management is based on six values: creativity, determination, innovation, solidarity, integrity and humility. Natural Pact collaborators and partners interact according to the principles of regenerative agroforestry, good governance and ethical commitment.



NB. Isilde is a rare female name that comes from the Hebrew "el, isha and beth" and means "God protects my house".

  1. IIntensification of plant landscapes and biocontrol based on the forest model: forest and biodiversity regeneration programs adapted to each territory and community needs. All our native forest reforestation programs include a minimum of 30 tree species per hectare that optimize the forest carbon sink process.

  2. Sensitization and training to change attitudes at each level of society and enable our partners to better embrace the fundamentals of regenerative development/donut theory.

  3. Innovation : application of the latest generation of forestry and agroforestry techniques (biocontrol, inventory, traceability and geolocation of each tree, diversity of replanted species, etc.) leading to the development of regenerated areas and international certifications. 

  4. Land Art  as the artistic signature of our work on landscapes.

  5. Development of a green through financial investments that have a direct impact on the regeneration of biodiversity and the conservation of forest areas.

  6. Engaged against pollution and global warming for future generations.


Natural Pact is a founding member of the Regenerative Development Hub of Costa Rica- an alliance of national and international partners within the University for International Cooperation- which works on regeneration policy practices and modelling in Costa Rica to make it an example that can be replicated elsewhere in the world. It is the very first Hub in the global network of regenerative hubs, based in New York.

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As the initiator of the first "World Day of Regeneration" which was celebrated on 26 April 2019 in San Jose, Costa Rica, the Hub is here to remind us of the planet's absolute state of emergency. The date of launch of this regenerative green "bomb" coincides with the date of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 26 April 1986, barely 33 years ago... 


More than 100 international experts (scientists, green tech actors, economists...) and artists were present to discuss innovative projects and solutions.



Costa Rica is one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of environmental protection: the "right to a healthy environment" is enshrined in the Constitution since 1984, the country generates 100% of its energy from renewable sources, and it accounts for 6% of the world's biodiversity. It is regularly rewarded for its commitment to Nature and the well-being of its citizens: 1stin the "Happy planet index", 3rdin the "Environmental Performance Index".

Digital World Map
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With the authorities and the Regenerative Development Hub of Costa Rica, Natural Pact did not wait for anyone to continue transforming Costa Rica into the first country in the world to be administered according to the principles of the regenerative development model. Four test areas have been identified and the first phase of regeneration on nearly 5.100 hectares started in July 2018. Together with its partners, Natural Pact plans to continue this unique program of environmental and human regeneration over an area of more than 13,700 square kilometers.